Foster Care Program

Have you ever thought about fostering?

Find out What it's like to be a foster

Ready to Foster?

Review the foster program requirements. 

  • You must be at least 18 years of age to become a foster parent. Children are encouraged to participate fully in this rewarding experience with their parents.
  • Landlord approval is required for all foster parents who rent their residence.  Please confirm with your landlord that you are approved to foster animals prior to submitting a foster care application. 
  • Current vaccinations are required for all foster parents’ dogs/cats prior to placing a foster animal in your home.  Please confirm that your animals are up-to-date on their vaccinations prior to submitting a foster care application. We also recommend you speak with your veterinarian to make sure fostering is a good fit for you and your pets.

Complete the online Foster Care Application by clicking here

If you would like to volunteer (not foster), please complete the  online Volunteer Application on the Volunteering page.

Upon receipt of your Foster Care Application, we will contact you to further discuss your interests and the foster care program with you.

Complete the foster care program online foster care training and paperwork. A background check will be completed for all new foster parents.

Foster Spotlight

July 2024

Jen C.

Meet our Foster of the Month for July, Jen C.! Her family started fostering with us a few years ago, Jen says “We started fostering during Covid. I was working from home and the kids wanted a community project to help give back.” We’re grateful that this pandemic pastime stuck around, Jen and her family have fostered with Greenhill ever since!

When asked to share a unique or enjoyable foster experience, Jen tells of a time her family fell in love and bonded with one of their first foster kittens. “Our first foster litter was the five (5) “H” brothers. Huey, Huxley, Hollis, Herman, and Hakeem. When I picked up the litter, I saw little Huxley and was like, you’re mine forever. I’m not giving you up. He was our ‘Foster Fail.’ I don’t know why but it was an instant connection. I really enjoyed all 5 of them and would have been happy keeping them all. They had fun personalities and I wonder where they are now.” Jen also shared a couple of notable cases, “We also had this little spitfire singleton named Tink that was such a spazz. Sassafras was our little orange kitty and he enjoyed car rides and riding around in my sweatshirt pocket. I like to think that he is probably off traveling the world now.”

So what does Jen find to be her favorite part of fostering? “For some reason, my kids love naming the kittens. We typically name them after children’s shows once we learn their little personalities. For me, I do love sending them back for their spa day to get to go to a loving family. It is bittersweet, but feels so good to know that they are finding loving homes. Most of all, I really love to hear how they are doing or see pics of them as Greenhill checks up on them.”

If you are reading this and considering fostering, our friend Jen would tell you, “Fostering for Greenhill has taught my children valuable lessons. They learn about responsibility of owning animals and problem-solving skills as we try to assist them to thrive.

Snuggling kittens is such a treat. It’s such a bonus job that we get to foster for Greenhill. We also enjoy Kristi and the foster crew as we connect with them throughout the process.