Foster Care Program

Have you ever thought about fostering?

Find out What it's like to be a foster

Ready to Foster?

Review the foster program requirements. 

  • You must be at least 18 years of age to become a foster parent. Children are encouraged to participate fully in this rewarding experience with their parents.
  • Landlord approval is required for all foster parents who rent their residence.  Please confirm with your landlord that you are approved to foster animals prior to submitting a foster care application. 
  • Current vaccinations are required for all foster parents’ dogs/cats prior to placing a foster animal in your home.  Please confirm that your animals are up-to-date on their vaccinations prior to submitting a foster care application. We also recommend you speak with your veterinarian to make sure fostering is a good fit for you and your pets.

Complete the online Foster Care Application by clicking here

If you would like to volunteer (not foster), please complete the  online Volunteer Application on the Volunteering page.

Upon receipt of your Foster Care Application, we will contact you to further discuss your interests and the foster care program with you.

Complete the foster care program online foster care training and paperwork. A background check will be completed for all new foster parents.

Foster Spotlight

February 2025

Julia P

Meet our Foster of the Month for February, Julia! Julia joined the Greenhill foster team just last year and made a real difference in puppies’ lives. She tells us- “As a young adult, in my 20’s, life is constantly changing, and as much as I’d love to adopt my first dog it’s not realistic for the stage of life I’m in. With my busy schedule, fostering has given me the opportunity to live out my dreams of being a dog owner in short-term increments until I’m ready to take on becoming a full time dog mom!”

We asked Julia to share some of her favorite things about fostering, and if she had any experiences she’d like to share. While Julia was fostering a group of six week old puppies… “they were able to create so many new life experiences that will prepare them for their next family. One of my groups was enthralled by the washer, as they sat in front of it for minutes at a time watching the clothes spin around. Another pup also found an interest in soccer as he sat in front of the TV while his siblings played and watched an MLS Semifinals game with me.” She tells us about how much joy the puppies have brought into the lives of those around them, and how she loves to see… “these animals build new, positive relationships with people is one of the most rewarding parts.”

Julia was born in Portland Oregon, coming to Eugene to pursue her degree. Last year, she achieved a bachelor’s in Psychology and Family + Human Service. In her free time “I enjoy DIY projects + crafts, exploring the city’s many coffee shops, and spending quality time with friends.”

If you as a reader are considering fostering for Greenhill, Julia would tell you- “This past year, I went from living with some college friends to living on my own. Having foster dogs is a perfect source of companionship! The emotional reward from fostering is like no other. Believe me, I’ve cried many times driving home after dropping off my foster pups because of how much I’ll miss them, but on the flip side I am reminded of all the memories we shared together which will prepare them for their next stage of life, adoption!”