August 9, 2021

Greenhill Grad dog retires after 5 years of disaster responss

Fritz, Greenhill Grad Superstar! 

Photos curtesy of the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation (SDF).

From shelter dog to first responder!

Fritz came into Greenhill as a stray in 2014. After no one came forward as his family, he was put up for adoption. While at the shelter, our kennel team noticed that Fritz was focused, intelligent and inquisitive – all characteristics of a search and rescue dog. We contacted Field of Dreams Kennel where Fritz was evaluated and trained for the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation (SDF). After an array of tests, Fritz passed with flying colors!

While in training, an SDF Master Trainer noticed Fritz enjoyed finding hidden “victims” and barking for his toy! From there, he was partnered with his new handler, Ed Martinez of San Francisco Fire Department and California Task Force 3, in 2015. They achieved their FEMA Certification which enabled them to deploy nationwide in the event of a disaster. 

In 2017, the pair, along with fifteen other SDF-trained canine teams, was deployed for Hurricane Irma to help search for people who may have gone missing from the storm. A year later, Ed and Fritz were deployed to Hawaii ahead of Hurricane Lane ready to help search if the need arose.  

Ed and Fritz worked alongside each other for 5 years, ready to respond to the aftermath of a disaster. After years of service, Fritz retired in 2020. We raise our paws to the two for their service. 

Amazing job Ed and Frtiz!